US History Essay Writing Ideas – 10 Underestimated Topics Worth Writing On

History is the most interesting subject for those students who have a passion for their culture and backgrounds. If an American citizen is required to write an essay on the history of the country, he will certainly pick the most relevant events and occasions. If he was a survivor of the world war or participated in the civil war then he will definitely throw light on that experience. If the person experienced the hijack of American Government by the Romans and the murder of John F Kennedy then it will be the most dominant historical event in his mind. An average person will want to start from what he can relate to the most. Students who do not have much know how about a very important national historic movement will prefer to talk about events related to their own state or city. Students can also throw light on why their town has a strange specific name. They might prefer to write about the history and background of American football or pop culture or anything at all.

History is a wide subject and unless the teacher requires you to stick to a certain era, you can talk about anything that you find the most interesting. A fashion-oriented person would love to talk about evolution of Hollywood fashion divas since early 50’s. A class of 30 will have all kinds of students who want to write about their own unique interests. Here are a few important topics you can write about when thinking of American history.

  1. The first world war with Russia, and its impacts on the American nation as well as the emergence of capitalism
  2. The reasons behind the murder of one of the most famous American president John F. Kennedy
  3. The outcomes of the civil war in the America and the part of south in the movement
  4. The equality of all rights for all human beings as a major amendment in the constitution
  5. The start of war on terror and the total budget spent on the war until now
  6. The intervention of the armed forces in neutral states and the funding of democratic states
  7. The success of President Obama as the first Black president in America
  8. The Katrina flood
  9. The economic recession after the war on Afghanistan
  10. Martin Luther king

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