How To Create A Good Essay Title Page In The APA Format
There are specific rules that you have to follow to produce a good essay title page in the APA format. These specifics need to be followed to the exact requirements. A title page not only lets the reader know the title and author, it also carries several marks in the overall score of your work.
The specific information needed in a APA formatted title page:
- The Title, should be brief and specific.
- It needs to put across the main topic and the variables that have been put into consideration.
- It should contain a maximum of 12 words.
- It should be structured by citing your hypothesis and your experimental variables.
- The title needs be explicit and not need any further explanation.
- A reader needs to be able to look at a list of research papers and know instantly what your paper is based on.
- Avoid words that serve no purpose. You don't need to use words like 'experiment' or 'study'.
- Author's name.
- Use your first name, middle initial and last name.
- Do not use an abbreviation of your name.
- Make sure that you use the exact same spelling of your name as it appears on any other qualifications you may have.
- The school that the Author is attached to.
- This should be the place where the research took place, which is usually a college or a university. Bear in mind that sometimes there may have been more that one educational establishment that has supported the research.
- If there are more than two establishments that have supported the research then only two establishments need to be cited.
- However if you were not affiliated to an educational establishment then you should provide the information about your city and state instead.
The title, your name and the affiliated school all needs to be double spaced and centred on the title page.
- This needs to be in the upper left hand corner of all the pages in the document including the title page.
- The format for the running head is: Running Head: PAGE TITLE
- Just like the title should be no longer than 12 words the running head should be no longer than fifty characters. These fifty characters include letters, punctuation and word spaces.
- The running head needs to be in upper-case lettering.
- Every page including the title page needs to have a number.
- Page number needs to be located in the upper right corner of the page.
If you find that you need a bit of extra help then look closer at this site